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小 Shiba








人家Projector 姐姐今天只是亲了你一下,你需要发我脾气吗?



小Shiba的主人 笔

Just Friend

I tak suka you.

I don't know when i have this type of feeling on you.

You are such irritating and you thought you're everything.

You are a false friend to me. Being friend with you is nothing but trouble.

Anyhow, time pass and we'll grow;

I realize that i have much more better people around me.

You just nothing and don't think that we wont survive without you. (Much more better)

I won't said a single bad thing about you and you wont have any jokes from me either.

You are now, Just Friend.



我想做人做事,有时还是抱着做到"适可而止"的心态比较好吧,即处在"中立"的位置, 不多不少刚刚好! 不是吗? 就看看这两个简单的对比吧:
1. 自卑〉自信〉自大 - 不够自信叫自卑,过度自信叫自大!
2. 消极〉积极〉冲动 - 不够积极叫消极,过度积极叫冲动!


我就认识这两种人,可是我 个人认为自大比自卑更可怕!

因为自大的人通常都是有着目中无人、自以为是和唯我独尊的态度的,所以要与自大的人沟通,有一定的难度;就算说了教了,他也未必会听会领情。而自卑的人, 我想只要不断的给于鼓励,并处旁协助,要他站起来时有望的。 无论是自大还是自卑的人,能不能学好学乖都得看各人的心态、思想与造化吧!

这 一章也让我想起了一个猜字谜语: "自大一点"。 答案是"臭"......所以自大的人名声一定很臭吧! 还有一点我是能够肯定的,我一定不"臭",因为我的位置较偏向于自卑嘛 (好笑吧!) 人本来就要不断学习,有所启发,有所行动吧!

唉! 做人难啊! 你不也这样认为吗? 做多了本分,人家说你假会;做得刚刚好,人家说你计较;做少过应有,人家说你偷懒!

The truth of Life

When I was a little boy, I did not understand why the resting birds on the roof would fly away when I approached them. Not that I wanted to spring them away. But they just flew away and left me behind.

Time passed. When I was bigger but young, I did not want to explain to myself why I was such a failure in swimming. Consequently, I knew that the when i swam, all will again, dump me behind.

Now, I am no longer a little boy. Biggerer Biggerer. I started to realize that a thing happens for a reason. I could always learn to explain every occurrence. The birds were scared. My swim skills were sucked. Blah blah blah… Just any sucky explanation will do a consolation.

However, I was stupid and never being self-protective. Sadly, I was left behind by the birds and disappointed by the people. The truth only can share between me and me and me. I learned to "activate" my security code for my truth as disappointments and sadness will approach me very soon if i loosen them out.

When you open up for others, make sure they are appreciate enough, or else, prepare your heart being damage (without their notice). It just matter of facts. Perhaps, I should have acted like birds. By nature, being cautious about any risk of getting hurt.
